Deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) measurements have been conducted on MBE-grown heterostructure InSb/In1−xAlxSb diodes. The measurements were conducted in the temperature range 10–130 K and two majority carrier (electron) traps, labelled E1 and E2, have been observed. A trap signature has been produced from the DLTS spectra for both traps. The activation energies determined from Arrhenius plots of the peak temperatures as a function of rate window for E1 and E2 were 17 meV and 79 meV, respectively. The apparent capture cross-sections and concentrations for E1 and E2 have also been measured.
PTCDA (3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic-dianhydride) molecular structures assembled on an InSb(001) c(8 × 2) reconstructed surface have been studied using frequency modulated atomic force microscopy. The high-resolution imaging of the structures is possible through repulsive interactions, using the constant height scanning mode. During initial stages of growth the [110] diffusion channel dominates as indicated by formation of long PTCDA molecular chains parallel to the [110] crystallographic direction on the InSb surface. For a single monolayer coverage a wetting layer of PTCDA is formed. Finally it is shown that the PTCDA/InSb is a promising system for building molecular nanostructures by manipulation of single molecules with the AFM tip.
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